#include <stack>
void main()
std::stack<int> s;
1. stack의 개념
2. stack의 함수 원형
template <class T, class Container = deque<T>>
class stack;
deque 기반으로 만들어진 컨테이너 어댑터
3. stack의 멤버 변수들
- value_type : The first template parameter (T), Type of the elements
- container_type : The second template parameter (Container), Type of the underlying container
- reference : container_type::reference, usually value_type&
- const_reference : container_type::const_reference, usually const value_type&
- size_type : an unsigned integral type, usually the same as size_t
4. stack의 멤버 함수들
- 생성자 : Construct stack (public member function)
- empty : Test whether container is empty (public member function)
- size : Return size (public member function)
- top : Access next element (public member function)
- push : Insert element (public member function)
- pop : Remove top element (public member function)
- emplace : Construct and insert element (public member function)
- swap : Swap contents (public member function)
overload된 Non-멤버 함수들
- relational operators : Relational operators for stack (function)
- swap (stack) : Exchange contents of stacks (public member function)
특수화된 Non-멤버 클래스
- uses_allocator : Uses allocator for stack (class template)